
Our pack participates in summer, fall, and winter camping programs that include Archery, BBs, Fitness, Skills, tent and cabin camping, arts & crafts, group activities, and much more.  These camps are day camps, single overnights, or full 2-night weekend camps. One of the camps is a Pack only camp, the others are at a Northern Star council camp wit a full Northern Star camp program.

“The Black Hole” at Polar Camp

Cub Scouts gain numerous benefits from camping, including personal growth, skill development, and the joy of outdoor adventure. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Connection with Nature: Camping allows Cub Scouts to experience the natural world firsthand, fostering an appreciation for the environment and wildlife.

  2. Practical Skills: Scouts learn essential outdoor skills, such as setting up tents, building campfires, cooking outdoors, and using a compass. These skills promote self-reliance and confidence.

  3. Physical Activity: Camping involves a range of physical activities like hiking, swimming, fishing, and exploring, which contribute to physical fitness and overall health.

  4. Teamwork and Leadership: Scouts participate in group activities that require cooperation and communication. They take on roles and responsibilities, developing leadership and teamwork skills.

  5. Problem-Solving and Adaptability: Camping presents challenges that require problem-solving and adaptability, such as navigating trails, dealing with weather changes, and managing resources.

  6. Social Skills: Spending time with peers in a camp setting helps scouts develop social skills, make new friends, and build camaraderie.

  7. Confidence and Independence: Successfully managing the challenges of camping boosts confidence and fosters a sense of independence as scouts learn to rely on their abilities.

  8. Respect for the Environment: Camping instills a sense of responsibility and respect for the environment, teaching scouts the principles of Leave No Trace and sustainable living.

  9. Mental Well-Being: Time spent in nature can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall mental well-being. The experience of camping can be both relaxing and invigorating.

  10. Memories and Fun: Camping is an opportunity for scouts to create lasting memories through fun activities, storytelling around the campfire, and bonding with fellow scouts and family members.